Christianity and Marxism: Affinities and Differences


  • Igor Škamperle



Marxism, Christianity, false consciousness, religion, eschatology, revolution, society, person


The article illustrates the concurrences of Christianity and Marxism, expressed in the advocacy of a free man and a just society; and where the two depart: in the conception of the human person and in the understanding of the final destination of a man who remains open in Christianity and thus transfers to eternal love of God. For Marxism, this vision is immanent, confined to the subject world and a just society. The two views come into conflict because both act as religions; and Christianity is primarily about human beings, and Marxism inculcates the whole world.


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How to Cite

Škamperle, Igor. 2020. “Christianity and Marxism: Affinities and Differences”. Poligrafi 25 (97/98):119-37.