Disordered eating attitudes, depressive symptomatology and alcohol consumption in young athletes
disordered eating behaviors, athletes, depression, alcohol consumptionAbstract
Purpose: The aim of the study was to investigate the prevalence of disordered eating behaviors and attitudes in Slovenian male and female categorized athletes in relation to depressive symptoms and their alcohol consumption.
Methods: The sample included 198 categorized athletes between 18 and 20 years of age. The Eating Attitude Test, the Center for Epidemologic Studies Depression Scale, and the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test were used to measure disordered eating behaviors, level of depression, and alcohol use, respectively.
Results: Significant differences were found between female and male athletes, with female athletes reporting higher levels of disordered eating attitudes and depressive symptoms. 13.90% of athletes reported clinically significant eating disorder symptoms, 40% reported clinically significant depressive symptoms, and 10.50% reported risky alcohol use. Results also showed that athletes with higher eating disorder attitudes had higher depressive levels.
Conclusion: These findings have important practical value and point to the importance of building a professional team trained to recognize mental health problems in athletes in order to provide appropriate help.
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