
  • Kateřina Strašilová Masaryk University, Faculty of Sports Studies
  • Petr Vajda Masaryk University, Faculty of Sports Studies



It is assumed that there are many factors influencing sport performance in youth sport. This research is designed to find out whether there are any differences between individual and group physical performance. The aim of study is to report on the effect of social-comparative effect on young girls’ physical performance. The study involved young elite synchronized swimmers from a Czech club with Olympic tradition who compete at an international level (n = 28, age 10.12±1.20). The swimmers were required to hold a wall-seat position as long as possible in two separately measured rounds, i.e. as individuals and as a group. The girls were randomly split into two groups. They started with an individual or group try of the wall-seat position exercise. There was a week’s interval between the measured rounds. The mean performance was M = 108.82±57.10 in the individual try and M = 271.50±218.88 in the group one. The influence of social interaction in the group was evaluated by Cohen’s d which showed high substantive differences (d = 1.1, large effect). The Wilcoxon matched pair test was used for data analysis (results were statistically significant, P < 0.05). It showed mutual social encouragement in a group that caused improvement in performing a wall-seat position and influenced significantly their performance. However, it was also established that such social interaction / encouragement is not consistent for every child. Nevertheless, there are many other important factors influencing a youth physical performance as positive verbal motivation, constructive feedback or appraisal.


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How to Cite

Strašilová, K., & Vajda, P. (2018). INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL INTERACTION IN A GROUP ON YOUNG GIRLS’ PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE. Annales Kinesiologiae, 9(1), 3–13.


